
electrical inpsection services

Specialist in electrical condition reporting

For Pocklington and surrounding areas

eistesting.co.uk 07341 389120

Is your property safe?

All homes need an electrical-installation condition report (EICR) - does yours have one?

Around 4 people a day are injured or killed in fires related to electrical faults, according to government statistics. Every home should have a regular EICR check to ensure your electrics are safe.

It is recommend that you have an electrical inspection carried out at least every 10 years for a domestic property or when buying or remodeling your home

Is your property compliant?

Electrical safety checks in private rented homes

From 1 July 2020, private landlords must make sure that all electrical installations are inspected and tested by a competent electrician.

The inspection should take place at least once every 5 years. Where the electrician will test and inspect the fixed electrical installation. They can make any immediate hazards safe before they leave your home. They will not check the safety of items that can be moved around, such as TVs, white goods, kettles or toasters, unless your landlord has also asked them to do a portable appliance (PAT) test. PAT testing is not a legal requirement for landlords but it's a recommended way for them to keep your home safe. The electrical safety report (EICR) is provided to the landlord which a copy must be given to you within 4 weeks of the inspection. The report will either: confirm that all installations meet the safety standards require further investigation or repair work It will also say when the next electrical safety check should be carried out.


Testing carried out by local competent and qualified electrician

Legislation requires the electrician to sign a checklist certifying their competence, including their experience, whether they have adequate insurance and hold a qualification covering the current version of the Wiring Regulations and the periodic inspection, testing and certification of electrical installations.

Who are we?

Local electrician for Pocklington and surrounding area

With over 35 years experience, `old-school` apprentice trained by Northern Electric.

Specialist in Electrical Testing & Inspecting

Fully qualified to 18th edition wiring regulations amendment 2 including City & Guilds 2391 Inspection and Testing.

Property expert, including general maintenance, building services engineering, building compliance, electrical installations , CCTV and home automation.

Please note, due to work load only Saturday slots are currently available